占星師Belinda2020年4月23日Saturn Return: Coming of AgeWhat’s “Saturn return” exactly? In astrology, Saturn return refers to the time (usually lasting for around 10 months) when transmitting Satu
占星師Belinda2020年3月23日Saturn enters Aquarius: Collective InterestAfter having been in its home sign Capricorn since December 2017, Saturn has entered its another home, Aquarius, on March 22 (Hong Kong time
占星師Belinda2020年3月23日土星進入水瓶座:「權利」與「義務」在離開家鄉山羊座後,土星2020年3月22日來到它另一家鄉水瓶座,運行至7月2日,最後一次返回山羊,然後12月17日才正式進駐水瓶,直至2023年3月為止。 無論是在山羊或水瓶,土星都屬強勢,對個人的要求很高,不過那種要求稍有不同...
占星師Belinda2020年3月19日The Astrology of the Coronavirus: What Next? (Part 2)As of date, governments around the world have already lockdown whole cities, provinces/states or even countries. Could it get any worse? Whe