Astrologer Belinda5月8日2024 US presidential election: Who will win again?What can astrology say about whether it'll be the Republican or Democratic Party winning in the 2024 US Presidential Election?
占星師Belinda2020年9月4日Birth chart's potential: Will Trump get a second term?There are many ways to approach a birth chart. I always prefer to see it as indicating a person’s potential. As this is the US presidential
占星師Belinda2016年12月22日Getting your money's worth from politiciansThe Second House represents the chart owner’s money and possessions. The ruler of the house cusp and planets in this house indicate WITH WHA
占星師Belinda2016年11月28日移民占星學:當特朗普入主白宮後…以言論出位見稱、開罪了無數人的特朗普 (Donald Trump) 成為新一任的美國總統,入主白宮。他在參選期間給人的感覺是「不受控制」和「難以預測」,但有評論家認為他畢竟是生意人,總有務實面對問題的能耐,上任後自會收歛。由於他要搬離出生地紐約到華盛頓居住,這篇文章會從「移民占星